Active Implementation charts a course for the journey of improving outcomes.

Welcome to the new and improved Active Implementation Hub.
Feel free to move around the site and familiarize yourself with the new format. Please note that this site is still under some remodeling, and you will find some information incomplete.

We are open to your feedback! Can’t find something? See an error? Don’t like the layout? Feel free to email us.

Don’t know where to start?

Use this interactive tool to help you find the resources you need to get started or ask AI Squared for help


Implementation Practice

Based on research and field learning, NIRN has developed five overarching frameworks referred to as the Active Implementation Frameworks to support agencies and organizations with implementation.

Select links below to explore the Active Implementation Frameworks.

Effective Practice

Usable Innovations


Effective Implementation




Enabling Context


Improvement Cycles


Socially Significant Outcomes

Implementation Support Practitioner (ISP) Core Competencies

Do you support an implementation team or coordinate implementation activities? Explore activities and resources that are specific to the work of leading and coordinating your agency’s implementation efforts.

Select links below to explore each competency.

Updates and New Resources

Featured Resources

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