NIRN-SISEP Data System User Video Tutorials

Author(s): SISEP Center

Publication Date: November 2019 

Frameworks:  Drivers

Resource Type:  Watch

The NIRN-SISEP Data System ( is a web-based data system that allows leadership teams to complete an assessment of their efforts to develop capacity to use implementation best practices to support adoption and scaling of a practice or program. The system can be used to collect and display data from the State Capacity Assessment (SCA), the Regional Capacity Assessment (RCA), the District Capacity Assessment (DCA), and the Drivers Best Practices Assessment (DBPA). It is also used for the Observation Tool for Instructional Supports and Systems (OTISS), which is completed by coaches in K-12 education settings as a measure of instructional fidelity.

In order to gain access to the NIRN-SISEP Data System, it is recommended that participants first complete the online Capacity Assessment Administration Course. After successful completion of the course, users will be provided a form to request an account in the NIRN-SISEP Data System. When a user receives their new account login information, they will be provided with a written user guide that contains detailed step-by-step instructions for how to use the data system.

The brief videos below provide guidance on to how to navigate the NIRN-SISEP Data System and how to complete various tasks within the system. Users of the data system should refer to their written user guide for more detailed instructions. Click on each link below to view that video.

Video Tutorials for Users of the NIRN-SISEP Data System:

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