Blog: Preparing for Implementation: Running Your Own Race

Author(s): Correy Watkins

Publication Date: August 2024 

Frameworks:  Stages

Resource Type:  Read

When participating in a marathon, it’s essential to remind yourself to run your own race. The competition is between you and time. While many others surround you, you’re not racing against them; you’re racing the clock. Implementation is much like a marathon. You must prepare to complete the race, just as you must have a plan or guidelines to achieve your implementation goals. This blog will discuss how to build readiness through exploration as you prepare to implement an innovation. Proper preparation helps avoid false starts or ineffective implementation. Exploration supports this preparation, leading to better performance and desired outcomes. At SISEP, we believe so strongly in the importance of readiness through exploration that we offer a State Education Agency (SEA) Implementation Exploration series. This series helps partners understand the landscape, evaluate infrastructure, identify core components, understand the context, and recognize their needs. Let’s explore how to get ready to run our race!

Read full blog here.

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